Advent Thoughts

Nov 24, 2024 | From Pastor Gary

“And I tell you, everyone who acknowledges me before others, the Son of Man also
will acknowledge before the angels of God; but whoever denies me before others
will be denied before the angels of God”
(Luke 12:8-9)

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,
As we begin the Advent Season two things come to mind: the Nativity of Christ at Christmas and the
Return of Christ at the Second Coming. We usually always think of Advent as the waiting of the birth of
Jesus. Especially since Advent starts a new year. But I have been thinking more about the later, the
return of Jesus at the Second Coming. Will there be enough evidence to convict me of being a follower
of Jesus. Have I always acknowledged Jesus in my daily encounters.
A couple of weeks ago in our Thursday night Bible Study we watched the movie “Do You Believe” which
is a powerful movie and really makes you think. It deals with the topic of acknowledging or denying
Jesus Christ. At first or in a quick response we/I would respond as “Yes, I Believe.” But do we? Is it
when it is convenient for us or when we want God to answer our prayers.
In our everyday lives there are ways in which we deny Jesus and not know it. Things in our lives take us
away or consume our lives that it takes us away from doing Jesus’ work in this time and place. In those
ways we are denying Jesus. In the movie one couple is dealing with the death of their daughter who
was killed by a drunk driver. They become lost in their grief and don’t move on. A war veteran who is
unable to deal with what took place while he was in action. A mother and daughter who end up
homeless after her husband dies. A young woman who feels all along and unwanted that she tries to
commit suicide several times. A teenage girl who is about to give birth and runs away from home
because her stepmom wants her to have an abortion. A man who is an ex-con who is dying from lung
cancer. A lawyer is so consumed in winning cases, even if it is not right. A doctor who thinks that he
deserves all the glory. A thief who struggles from doing right and wrong because of peer pressure.
And a Pastor, who gets so wrapped up with preaching the Word of God, forgets to put it into action.
The list can go on and on. Can you relate to any of these situations.
A paramedic is with a man who is about to die, and he brings him to Christ. The wife finds out and is
suing him. The city and union will not back him up unless he admits that he made a mistake about
telling him about Jesus. His wife begs him to admit it also, because they could lose everything. But the
man does not. He is afraid to deny Jesus. He was worried that if he denied Jesus, would Jesus deny
him a place in His heavenly kingdom.
So, it’s not so easy to answer “Yes” to the question “Do You Believe?” But we need to remember why
that baby Jesus came into this world. To teach us how love and have compassion for one another.
Jesus not only told us; but showed us by his actions.
God’s Peace & Love,
Pastor Gary